Right on the heels of my Simuflite experience comes an AOPA Pilot cover story from guy going after his Phenom 300 type rating at the same location. Read more →

Right on the heels of my Simuflite experience comes an AOPA Pilot cover story from guy going after his Phenom 300 type rating at the same location. Read more →
Twenty two days after arriving in Dallas, the Big Day is here! Did I squeak through… or go down in a blaze of glory? I give the answer, and some final thoughts about the Gulfstream IV PIC initial type rating course. Read more →
The final push — day two of the dress rehearsal. We work on abormals and single engine approaches, and I discover something worse than failing: causing my sim partner to fail. Read more →
As we get closer to the end of the program, the teaching stops and the testing begins today with the first half of a dress rehearsal for the checkride. Read more →
The heat is on in the sim — it’s “hot weather” day, and we’ve got just the right instructor to help keep us cool. Read more →
After the fiasco yesterday, things improve dramatically despite the rapid pace of approaches and malfunctions. We experience cold weather flying, and I made a key discovery from observing how my sim partner operates. Read more →
They say the simulator can humble even the best of pilots. Now I know what they’re talking about. The schedule called for ‘abnormal procedures’ today, but sadly, the most abnormal thing about the whole day ended up being my flying. Read more →
Day 13 is a repeat of the previous sim session, albeit with a new instructor and an observer. Day 14 was a day off, and an opportunity to get adjusted to a new, later schedule. Read more →
Twelve days down, nine to go. We run through basic airwork, stall series, instrument approaches, missed approach procedures, and holds in the simulator. Read more →
Day 11 and it’s back into the simulator, where we get our first look at a few malfunctions. Also, a tour of the Simuflite building’s west wing, where, as they say, “the magic happens”. Read more →