Did the admirers and pilots of the early 20th century ever worry about aviation’s future? I doubt it. Read more →

Did the admirers and pilots of the early 20th century ever worry about aviation’s future? I doubt it. Read more →
The GA ecosystem is at a tipping point. There simply aren’t enough instructors to address the pilot shortage using the current system… but that doesn’t mean the problem can’t be solved. Read more →
What’s worse than having your pride-and-joy destroyed in an accident? Obliterating it yourself… on purpose. Welcome to the world of 21st century liability concerns. The real losers: our children. Read more →
SoCal airports are seeing huge declines in activity. Is there any hope for the future of general aviation? Perhaps, but it might have to come from a place you might not expect: your neighbor’s garage. Read more →
It’s a good thing everyone who flies is filthy rich, because the imposition of landing fees for small non-commercial aircraft continues, this time at Hilton Head Island Airport in South Carolina. Read more →
Is flying safe? Every passenger wonders, and for good reason. I take a candid look at risk management in the world of general aviation and discuss a few ways to turn the odds in your favor. Read more →