The techniques we use to teach instrument flying are sometimes panned as old, inefficient, or boring. I take exception with that viewpoint. Read more →

The techniques we use to teach instrument flying are sometimes panned as old, inefficient, or boring. I take exception with that viewpoint. Read more →
Stupid pilot tricks come in many shapes and sizes. Here’s one in the shape of Hawker 800 which was captured by at least one enterprising photographer at the recent NBAA convention in Las Vegas. Read more →
My last post resulted in a call from NBAA to appear on their podcast for an interview about America’s air traffic control system. Read more →
Proponents of ATC privitization claim that American air traffic control is “stuck in the 1960s”. When the hyperbole and sensationalism are set aside, the facts seem to tell another story. Read more →
Some pilots are so happy with their flying career while others seem truly miserable — even when they’re both doing the same job. Is the difference simply a matter of perspective? Or is there something else at work here? Read more →
Over the years, business aircraft have evolved dramatically in terms of their range. That’s wonderful for the passengers, but for the crew it presents some serious safety hazards which must be dealt with. Read more →
Ah, the circular runway — it seems to be all the rage with academics. In the real world, I see a few problems with this concept. Read more →
I’ve always been fond of Rolls-Royce engines. They were the beating heart of our most iconic warbirds, and even today are propelling the finest business jets on Earth. But there’s one particular Rolls product which has outlived all the others… and it’s probably one you’ve never heard of. Read more →
Each flying job requires a unique set of skills. Failure to heed the small differences can lead to big accidents, and sometimes that failure goes back to the pilot’s training — or lack thereof. Read more →
A first solo flight is always a memorable experience for both student and instructor, but there are a few that stick out in my memory than others. For example, when you solo accidentally… Read more →