As pilots, it’s worth remembering that virtually all aircraft contain computerized devices, even if they’re just portable ones. They’re everywhere, and they record things that can come back to haunt us later. Read more →

As pilots, it’s worth remembering that virtually all aircraft contain computerized devices, even if they’re just portable ones. They’re everywhere, and they record things that can come back to haunt us later. Read more →
Experience shows that the emergency you get isn’t always the one you’ve trained for. It’s worth thinking about no matter what you fly. Read more →
Some guys insist on flying IFR everywhere, regardless of destination or weather. I’ve always preferred VFR flying when it helps expedite things. That’s never failed to pay off… until today, when I found myself locked out of my favorite Las Vegas airport. Read more →
My fortune: “Confucious say, you are much admired for your adventurous ways”. Thanks, Mr. C…. Read more →