Instead of keeping their powder dry, the Germanwings crash will undoubtedly prompt politicians to “do something”. That has many pilots — myself included — concerned. Read more →

Instead of keeping their powder dry, the Germanwings crash will undoubtedly prompt politicians to “do something”. That has many pilots — myself included — concerned. Read more →
General aviation desperately needs stability. Instead, we are faced with a governmental Lernaean Hydra, an organism essentially at war with itself. One part of this mythic creature offers us reduced regulation and cost, while the other threatens to smash whole segments of the GA ecosystem into oblivion. This is NOT government of, by, or for the people. Read more →
AOPA and EAA suggested a slight expansion of the sport pilot medical exemption. Congress got a hold of that idea and took it to the next level, and is considering eliminating formal medical certification for most private pilots. Is this too good to be true? How did we get here? And what does it mean for GA’s future? Read more →
The Santa Monica city council has set a new low with their recent shellacking of the airport. It’s time to stop playing nice and start communicating with them in a language they can clearly understand. Read more →
The FAA’s proposed tower closure list hits Southern California airports particularly hard. Let’s look at some numbers and see if this makes sense. Read more →
If anyone should understand the importance of “the rich” to the aviation sector, you’d think it would be someone who’s involved in business aviation. Sadly, it seems those with money are a target for just about everyone these days. Read more →
When any President travels, it causes major heartburn for aviation businesses in his path. But when the government literally takes over an FBO, is it asking too much for Uncle Sam to pay even a fraction of the normal fees any one of us would be charged at that same facility? Apparently so. Read more →
It’s odd when politicians don’t seem to understand how government works. The latest example involves the L.A. County Board of Supervisors and their vote urging the FAA to do exactly what it already does every day. Perhaps the politicos should pay more attention to their own job and leave airspace management to the pros. Read more →
Business aviation has been the scapegoat long enough. The facts are more than sufficient to turn the tables on politicians and talking heads who challenge the use of corporate jets to maintain a competitive edge. Read more →
It’s a good thing everyone who flies is filthy rich, because the imposition of landing fees for small non-commercial aircraft continues, this time at Hilton Head Island Airport in South Carolina. Read more →