Author: Ron Rapp

Ron is a Gulfstream G550 captain, as well as a CFI-I/CFI-ME specializing in tailwheel, aerobatic, experimental, formation, and glass-panel flying. He's also an aircraft owner, aerobatic competitor (Advanced category), and a National-level judge. Ron frequently writes on aviation topics via his web site and other industry publications. You'll also find him at the theatre, opera, symphony, or perhaps diving in the Sea of Cortez. Other avocations include boxing, hiking, and indulging in fine food and spirits with friends and family. Ron and his family live in beautiful Orange County, California.

Who’s the Best?

You probably remember that scene from Top Gun where Tom Cruise scans a briefing room full of hot-shot pilots during his first day at the famous Naval Fighter Weapons School and wonders “who the best is”. Top Gun was a fictional tale, of course… but I know the real-life answer to Maverick’s question. I’ve met the best aviation has to offer, and their names most certainly do not occupy a plaque in the ladies room. Read more →


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