Flying is fun — that’s why we got hooked in the first place. But flying for a living can easily suck the life out of your aviation passion… if you let it. Read more →

Flying is fun — that’s why we got hooked in the first place. But flying for a living can easily suck the life out of your aviation passion… if you let it. Read more →
When GA pilots are finishing training, they often look around and say “what now?”. The structured environment is gone, the goal achieved. A friend recently published a book that provides some suggestions for that situation. Read more →
To run an organization effectively, it must be understand it inside and out by those at the top. Unfortunately, few if any of the executives at the FAA are pilots. But that changed recently and it’s a good thing for general aviation. Read more →
“Who’s the best pilot you ever saw?” That famous line from The Right Stuff inspired me to ask what constitutes a great pilot in the real world. Read more →