Irvine World News

Ah, the poor old Irvine World News.  This is the Rodney Dangerfield of newsprint, a hometown paper which is printed once a week.

Irvine World News articleIt gets little respect, probably because they give it away for free.  “You get what you pay for” and all that.  Plus, it really does confine itself to the world of Irvine.  That fact alone makes the paper worthless to most of Orange County, I’d think.  They don’t care about the happenings in Irvine any more than I care about the minutia of life in Brea.

More often than not, the World News is “delivered” to my house by a paperboy who throws it onto the ground behind — or more often, underneath — my car.  The issue typically remains hidden there until it’s crushed by the tires of my Eclipse.

Like I said, little respect.

Even so, the paper published an article about me in today’s issue.  Opera Pacific has been making an effort to better publicize our productions, and as part of this push they’re trying to highlight members of the company.  I guess they found me interesting because of the aviation angle.

Anyway, I’ve got a PDF file available if you’re interested in reading it.

  4 comments for “Irvine World News

  1. Jason
    January 23, 2006 at 10:33 am

    Fantastic bit in the paper!!! Heyl. You even got the photo credit!

    “It’s a long awning…” Ain’t that the truth?!

  2. Jon
    January 24, 2006 at 9:41 am

    Between that and being connected to Kevin Bacon within only 2 or 3 degrees, you’re almost famous!

  3. Ron
    January 24, 2006 at 3:54 pm

    Hey, what’s this “almost” crap?

    “Delusion, party of one, you’re table is ready…” 🙂

  4. Joel
    January 24, 2006 at 7:50 pm

    Congrats, Ron! Even if it is the Irvine World News, that’s still something to be proud of.
    Way to go!

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