Bird strikes make for dramatic photos. And the larger the bird, the greater the drama.
Here’s the aftermath of a right-of-way argument between an Air National Guard C-130 and an eagle. As usual, the bird came out on the losing end. It looks like the pilot almost did, too.
Speaking of which, our hero’s had a long day. “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking…”
Bulls-eye! The windshield may be designed to take a significant hit, but this access panel probably wasn’t.This downward-facing shot of the C-130’s cockpit floor reveals a stowaway — a very messy one at that.I’m not sure if the pilot is stunned by what happened, happy to be alive, annoyed at being photographed in such a state… or possibly all three.
Perhaps whoever designed this sign lost sight of the, uh, "larger picture" -- if you catch my meaning. It doesn't help that the pilot is sporting what appears to be a bicentennial porno mustache, circa 1976. I've been trying to think of a good caption for this photo. Suggestions?
Several aviation blogs have touched on the subject of bird strikes recently, and it reminded me of a wildlife encounter I had almost exactly a year ago. The day started pleasantly enough. I met up with Dan over Chino and we formed up as a flight of two enroute to…
note to self not to check this site with breakfast in hand.
Yeah, sorry about that… should have notated it as NSFB (not safe for breakfast).
Sonuva… I was eating breakfast right now, too!
Um… that is SO fake. I received the very same eagle statue when I joined the Eagle’s Club on the Hour of Power.
Seriously… eww…
Are you saying Rev. Schueler was a stow-away aboard this flight?
Serious allegations, my friend…
I feel like chicken tonight
A clear violation of the Endangered Species Act! Wait…what KIND of eagle?